Long time, no see

“Hello everyone. It’s been a while since the website had been updated. But things are going to change for the better. Moura has been learning watercolor and acrylic painting. I’ve been working on some projects that you’ll see in a new tab eventually.

I’ll be adding to this update log as I figure out how to phrase this better.”

That is what I had written two years ago. But now, I got a couple of things up my sleeve. While Moura’s abilities with watercolor and drawing have been progressed, (More than she believes) I’ve been working on a couple of projects.

I introduce you to- Gear XV! Yes fifteen is a random number to have but it fits. Does it have any significance? We’ll find out when we get there. But the important part is that its a small subsidiary of OnQ. That is where you will see more of the Prin side of things. My characters, stories, and any other odd or end I decide to make will be shown there. I also have a YouTube channel to go with it! I’ll start posting animatics, speed paints, maybe even sculpting the figures for a good render.

GearXV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkunkUn-SazhBYl5K0OVUCQ

OnQ currently has a lot of complications going on behind the scenes. But that’s what happens when you work at another job and do this stuff in our “free” time.I will not lie, I did not do a good job remembering this site existed. I was doing a bunch of work, but none of it was finished enough to be put on here.

Now to talk about the elephant in the room. OnQ is pretty inactive. That’s not the best for a small business, I know. Sadly, OnQ was the first thing to be shelved when time was getting stretched too thin. Now that things are even more chaotic, I have decided to revive this site again. Because, why not! What’s the harm of adding another squirrel to the rave?

Formalities be gone! Lets talk blasphemy. I’ve been dabbling into miniatures due to a friend. He works on tabletop landscape stuff. To be honest, I don’t know a lot about what the Mini Man makes. All I know is that he has parts that take him too long to make. He needed windows so I made him windows. He needed some doors. Boom doors. A new batch of models done before the 3d printer is.

Hopefully I can make some of the tedious blanks for other miniature makers eventually. Just to make things easier for the unknown gods of tiny worlds. Even if that never happens I’m just glad to get the practice.

Hope to see you there.


Introducing Qpanions!


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