Custom Prints

Howdy hey guys! I usually try to keep these blog posts pretty short but this one will be tiny. Mainly to answer 2 questions.

Can I print bigger items? Yes! My largest printer can print 30cm x 30cm x 40. It just takes a lot longer than my other prints.

Can you print (Insert fandom here)? Completely depends. I cannot sell copyrighted content due to not having authorization from the copyright/trade mark holders. But I can make a wand without getting copyrighted by Harry Potter due to it being a custom design.

I can make just about anything if I’m given enough time. Since every model sold here is made by yours truly, it can take a while if the custom is super complicated. Now I do have some help from Moura. She helps me by being my fresh eyes on a project and making sure the prints don’t fail while I’m working. But the modeling side is purely my own responsibility.

So please, if you want anything custom printed and you’re not sure I am able to just send us an email.


Update and Works In Progress (WIP)


We have an Esty page!